Project:Type Complete Query

From DiSSCo Modelling Framework
Revision as of 15:21, 25 April 2022 by Jgrieb (talk | contribs) (Merge with so that query is generic for all types (with overtaking attributes from up to one parent type ("subclass of")))
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SELECT ?section ?sectionLabel ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?example ?dataType ?min ?max ?mandatory WHERE {

 #the type to export is ODStype1802
 BIND(wd:Q29 as $type).
   #get all of the statements that are not sections
   ?type wdt:P14?/p:P44 ?statement.
   ?statement ps:P44 ?item.
     ?statement pqv:P45/wikibase:quantityAmount ?order.
   MINUS {?item wdt:P1 wd:Q28}.
   #get all of the sections
   ?type p:P44 ?statement.
   ?statement ps:P44 ?section.
   ?statement pqv:P45/wikibase:quantityAmount ?order.
   ?section wdt:P1 wd:Q28.
   #get the items of the section
   ?item p:P4 ?sectionStatement.
   ?sectionStatement ps:P4 ?section.
     ?sectionStatement pqv:P9/wikibase:quantityAmount ?mandatoryInternal.
 #additional optional properties
 OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P18 ?example}
 OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P10 ?dataType}
 OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P37 ?min}
 OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P38 ?max}
 BIND(IF(BOUND(?mandatoryInternal),?mandatoryInternal,"0") AS ?mandatory)
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
}ORDER BY ?order